Monday, October 31, 2011

Dance Me To The End Of Love* - Blogtoberfest: jour trente-et-un

 Blogtoberfest is done! 

Tinniegirl Blogtoberfest 2011

I have survived Blogtoberfest for another year. I am proud to say that while I didn't blog every day, I posted for every day. When I forgot I made it up and when the internet conspired against me - I posted belatedly.
This is my best Blogtoberfest effort so far. Apart from that it has been an action packed month. Today I was planning to look back at the month being the last day of October. I have decided against this approach for the simple reason that you can look back and see the events of the month!

It has been a time of ups and downs this past 6 months in our home but I believe that things are shifting and we can look forward with hope to what is around the corner.

I have enjoyed Blogtoberfest this year despite being sick for some of it. The school holidays were a positive thing for my blogging, as I had more time and was able to think about and prepare some posts in advance. This made it heaps easier.

I wanted to thank our lovely host tinniegirl for once again hosting this festival of blogging.

I began this post yesterday, but in the end I changed my mind, so really there is no point to this post now, but I felt the song was appropriate, so here tis!

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in
Touch me with your naked hand or touch me with your glove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love 

*Dance Me To The End of Love - Leonard Cohen

1 comment:

  1. Hooray to you for managing to post daily! And of course a big HOORAY to Tinniegirl for hosting this marvelous event that brings so many creative souls together =-)

    I look forward to seeing posts from you in the future, even if they aren't daily! ;)
