Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Getting Better*

 It's been a week of sickness this week. I went the whole of winter without any sign of cough or cold and now that spring is here, I have been in bed for four days with varying cold and assorted virus symptoms. 

Today I was out of bed all day. 
YAY! I am on the mend finally!

This has derailed my plans for getting my life together but c'est la vie. Another week will pass without establishing a routine. I hope to return to work tomorrow and have my weekly dose of the Collingwood Children's Farm - which I am loving.

Meanwhile I enjoy my view from the couch and wait for news about jobs...

Getting so much better all the time!

It's getting better all the time

Better, better, better.
It's getting better all the time
Better, better, better.
*Getting Better - The Beatles

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