Sunday, January 16, 2011

Live Like You're Dying*

I can't believe Sunday is here already. First week back at work is complete, and it has been a little busy and kept me away.

Along with work there were some other nice things that happened.

Spent a few hours Baking with friends, christening a Christmas present.

Yummy Chocolate fudge cake

Olive and Rosemary Bread. Mmmm

These yummies were the result. Along with a lovely time chatting and catching up, many cups of tea and lots of laughs.

I am also undertaking my first e-course, as I have mentioned previously. It has been challenging to keep up with the posts during the first week back, so I am doing some weekend catch up!

I have been spending some time working on my weekly plan. I intend this to enable me to "make my life more liveable." Late last year, I realised this is something that needs addressing. When things get hard, I hibernate. What this means is I miss out on fun. I don't spend nice quality time with my gorgeous partner, and I don't see my friends. All I do is work and exercise, both of which are intended to prevent me from doing exactly what I do!

Someone recently told me 'the more stressful life is the more fun things you should do.' This makes a lot of sense to think about balancing the stress.

So taking the bull by the horns - as they say - and living my word of the year, I am planning, for the first time in my life.

First draft is completed and I am considering changes already. I have included time for meditation and relaxation, me time, us time, study, work, exercising and chores. This should be a great help!

I'll take every moment, I know that I own them
It's all up to you to do whatever you choose
Live like you're dying and never stop trying
It's all you can do, use what's been given to you
*Live like You're Dying - Lenka


  1. 1. The baked goods look quite impressive.

    2. I so appreciate that there are other people in the world who need to make actual schedules for their days. I've truly discovered that the only way I get things done at all on a day when I'm not at work is to have a specific schedule. I certainly wish I'd figured this out a whole lot of years ago.

    3. Good luck with the collection of stuff you have on your schedule! It looks fairly full. But exciting!

  2. They look so delicious! It's making me hungry such a sucker for sweet food and that bread looks yum too.
